Thursday, December 9, 2010


Friday, December 17 · 7:00pm - 11:30pm

The Office Lounge $5 donation suggested at the door
2455 Jefferson Road (706) 546-0840

2nd Annual Strung Out Like the Lights at Christmastime Empty Stocking Fund Raiser!!!

Featuring Bo Bedingfield, Clay Leverett, Betsy Franck, Welfare Liners, Workhorses of the Entertainment and Recreation Industry, Betsy Inglesby, Dodd Ferrelle, David Barbe w/Todd Nance, Jon Mills, John Neff, Frank McDonnell, Romper Stomper ( members of Widespread Panic and Bloodkin ) , Bloodkin and The Burning Angels.

$5 donation suggested at the door. All proceeds go to the Athens Banner Herald Empty Stocking Fund to help those in our city who are in distress.